The rules applied are for those of FIDE for section A and those of FQE for other sections.
For players from outside Québec, the highest score between the FIDE rating, CFC, and FQE (or national rating eg USCF) will be used.
For Québec players, only FQÉ ratings will be used.
Rating Index
The rating index achieved by a player may not exceed the maximum score of the section in which he is registered by more than 100 points.
Bye of 1/2 point for the rounds 1 and 2 if asked before the end of registration. (Friday evening at 19h)
Bye of 0 points for rounds 3, 4 and 5 is available if you request it in writing with the Chief Arbiter no later than 5 hours after the start of the previous round.
Electronic devices
According to the FIDE Laws of Chess, Art. : all electronic devices must be stored in a player's bag and be completely turned off. Violation of this rule will result in immediate loss of the game.
Communication of results
Players must indicate the result of their game directly on the score sheet. The winning player is responsible for transmitting the result of the game. In the case of a draw game, this responsibility lies with White. Failing to transmit their result, the arbitrator may decide to award a defeat to each player.
Chess boards, pieces and clocks
The COM provides the chess boards as well as the pieces of the game. Players should normally bring their clock if it is programmable at the rate of the tournament. A player may refuse to use the clock of his opponent, if for valid reasons, he considers that it is not standard or does not allow him an adequate reading of the time. In case of dispute, the arbitrator will decide. Players who want clocks can rent them for $ 4 per round (+ piece of picture identification). These clocks are available at the canteen located outside the tournament hall. A player wishing to use a chessboard or pieces other than those made available to players, must even before installing them, ask permission from his opponent. The latter may refuse to play with those pieces or board.
« Failure to present oneself »
As soon as the arbitrator gives the signal to start the clock, a player has 30 minutes maximum to present himself to his seat. Once this period expires, the opponent must claim victory to the arbitrator.
Prizes - unrated player
Players who are unrated are only entitled to the unrated prize in Section E.
Refund fee
Pre-registered tournament participants have until March 10, 2025 to cancel their registrations with a refund. They will be charged a $15.00 administration fee. No refunds available after March 10, 2025.